• 2000kW天然气发电机组
  • 机组型号:2000GF-T 2000GF10-T



    燃料类型:Natural gas,CNG,LNG,Associate gas


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      20V190 gas engine is designed and manufactured with the 16V gas engine as the model sample. It is a 2000KW higher-power, high performance 20V gas engine which can adopt to low pressure fuel gas, high intelligence, low heat consumption,high stability, low emission and long usage life.

      20V190燃气发电机组技术规格书 Technical specifications of 20V190 gas generator set
      发动机参数:Main technical specifications for engine
      型号 Model 20V 190发动机20V 190 Engine
      燃料 Fuel 天然气 Natural gas /
      型式Type 四冲程,火花塞点火、高增压、中冷
      four stroke plug ignition, water cooled, turbo-turbocharged and after-cooled
      No. of Cylinder & Cylinder Arrangement
      缸径×冲程Bore ×Stroke 190mm×255mm
      额定转速 Rated speed 1000r/min
      额定功率 Rated power 2200kW
      供气压力 Supply gas pressure 1~4bar
      燃气消耗率Gas consumption ≤9200kJ/kWh
      机油消耗率 Oil consumption ≤0.3 g/kW·h
      润滑方式 Lubrication method 压力和飞溅润滑Pressure and splash lubrication
      起动方式 Starting method 压缩空气起动 Compressed air starting
      标定功率时1m处噪音Level of noise on rated power 120 dB(A)
      旋转方向 Direction of rotation 逆时针(自飞轮端看)Counter-clockwise(facing to flywheel)

      发电机参数:Generator parameter
      额定功率 Rated power 2000kW
      额定电压 Rated voltage 400V
      额定电流 Rated currency 3613A
      额定频率 Rated frequency 50Hz
      额定功率因数 Rated power factor 0.8(滞后)
      额定转速 Rated speed 1000r/min
      接线方式 Connection method Y
      绝缘等级 Insulation grade H
      环境温度 Environment temperature 0℃~50℃
      海拔高度 Altitude ≤1000m
      防护等级 Level of protection IP23
      通风方式 Ventilation method 自通风 Self-ventilation
      励磁方式 Excitation mode 自励恒压(AVR)

      发电机组系统组成Generator set system composition
      The genset system consists of a natural gas engine, a generator, a common chassis, a high elastic coupling, a control cabinet and so on. The system is equipped with a perfect system of natural gas inlet, Air motor starting and electrical control. Generator is Synchronous AC brushless excitation generator.
      控制系统 Control system
      发动机采用美国WOODWARD 的E6控制系统
      The engine adopts the E6 control system of American WOODWARD

      The E6 control system is composed of hardware and software. The hardware is composed of LECM controller, TecJet valve, ProAct valve, oxygen sensor and various other sensors. Software is a program installed in a computer, and the computer is connected to the hardware through a data cable. The operator controls the hardware actions by operating the computer and sending instructions to the hardware.

      Advantages of E6 control system:

      (1) E6控制系统的统一性强。
                The E6 control system has strong unity.

      In the past, control systems included air-fuel ratio control systems, speed control systems, instrument monitoring systems, ignition systems, and knock control systems. There were many types and poor unity. The E6 control system integrates various independent control modules to achieve various functions.
      (2) LECM控制器是E6控制系统中的控制单元,它采用了模块化和集成化相结合的设计方式。
                 The LECM controller is the control unit in the E6 control system. It adopts a modular and integrated design method.
      ①Modularity: LECM controller is composed of three modules: main control module, EID module and auxiliary module, each module has its own CPU and memory.
      ②Integration:Two integrations or three integrations can be used between the three modules of the LECM controller. After integration, each module can share sensors such as speed and phase, and the data is interconnected and shared through the internal bus.
      The engine and generator are installed on a common chassis, the chassis is fixed on the concrete foundation by anchor bolts, and the engine and generator set are connected by a high-elastic coupling.
